Board committees
The Board has set up two permanent working committees, the Compensation Committee and the Audit Committee. The Committee members are appointed by and from among the Board members.
The Audit Committee
The Audit Committee acts as a counselling and preparatory committee on matters regarding the Board’s supervisory function with respect to financial reporting, internal control, compliance, risk management and statutory audits.
The Committee consists of four members:
- Birgit Aagaard-Svendsen (Chair)
- Ingvild Sæther
- Andreas Ringman Uggla
- Johannes Røyrvik (Secretary)
The Audit Committee’s mandate and tasks are set out in the Board’s instructions for the Audit Committee.
The Compensation Committee
The Compensation Committee acts as a counselling and preparatory committee on matters regarding employment terms and conditions for the Chief Executive Officer, management development and succession planning for senior executives, and other matters involving compensation policies and strategies. The Compensation Committee currently consists of five members:
- Jon Fredrik Baksaas (Chair)
- Ingvild Sæther
- Nina Ivarsen
- Gro Gotteberg (Secretary)
The Innovation and Strategic Development Committee (New):
The Committee for Innovation and Strategic Development has the objective of providing preparatory support and guidance to the Board in matters related to governance alignment, strategic decision-making, and other assigned tasks.
- Jon Fredrik Baksaas
- Lasse Kristoffersen
- Christian Venderby
- Jon Eivind Thrane
- Dag Ove Solsvik (Secretary)