e-Learning course: Project academy

The Project Academy is a complete e-learning program in practical project management that gives you the knowledge and skills you need to succeed as a project owner, project manager or project participant, and enables you to contribute to any project.

Success in project management

The goal of the program is to give you a recipe for how to succeed with projects. The training takes you through all phases of the project from - defining project goals and benefits, organizing the project with project plan, follow-up in the implementation phase and delivery, - to completion.

The program consists of modules developed by skilled practitioners in the subject, and is based on international standards such as PRINCE2, PMI and ISO 21500.

You will learn about:

  • The project model, project factory and project organization;
  • Project objectives and benefits;
  • Roles, responsibilities and authority;
  • Project start-up and planning;
  • Stakeholder management;
  • Progress tracking and reporting;
  • The importance of good communication;
  • Management of uncertainties, nonconformities, and changes;
  • Developing effective project teams.

You get:

  • Access to the e-learning program with full flexibility. Start and stop your courses the way you want. Available for 12 months.
  • Training certificate when all modules have been completed.
  • Downloadable project templates, checklists, guides, and models that can be adapted to your projects.

Target group

The Project Academy is training and development program suitable for those who work in or with projects, regardless of industry and level. The course is suitable for both project owners, project managers and project staff. The course requires no prior knowledge.

Practical information:

  • Can be taken on mobile, tablet and PC/Mac;
  • Estimated implementation time: about 10-15 hours
  • The course modules include lessons with learning objectives, video, support text, questions and finally a booster quiz;
  • The lessons are short and compact, with video as the main part of learning, and the duration of one lesson is 10-15 minutes.

All our public courses can also be delivered in-house at your premises either as standard or tailored depending on the needs and requirements of your business.

Success in project management

The goal of the program is to give you a recipe for how to succeed with projects. The training takes you through all phases of the project from - defining project goals and benefits, organizing the project with project plan, follow-up in the implementation phase and delivery, - to completion.

The program consists of modules developed by skilled practitioners in the subject, and is based on international standards such as PRINCE2, PMI and ISO 21500.

You will learn about:

  • The project model, project factory and project organization;
  • Project objectives and benefits;
  • Roles, responsibilities and authority;
  • Project start-up and planning;
  • Stakeholder management;
  • Progress tracking and reporting;
  • The importance of good communication;
  • Management of uncertainties, nonconformities, and changes;
  • Developing effective project teams.

You get:

  • Access to the e-learning program with full flexibility. Start and stop your courses the way you want. Available for 12 months.
  • Training certificate when all modules have been completed.
  • Downloadable project templates, checklists, guides, and models that can be adapted to your projects.

Target group

The Project Academy is training and development program suitable for those who work in or with projects, regardless of industry and level. The course is suitable for both project owners, project managers and project staff. The course requires no prior knowledge.

Practical information:

  • Can be taken on mobile, tablet and PC/Mac;
  • Estimated implementation time: about 10-15 hours
  • The course modules include lessons with learning objectives, video, support text, questions and finally a booster quiz;
  • The lessons are short and compact, with video as the main part of learning, and the duration of one lesson is 10-15 minutes.

All our public courses can also be delivered in-house at your premises either as standard or tailored depending on the needs and requirements of your business.

Johtamisjärjestelmien koulutus


Koulutusmenetelmät ja hyödyt

DNV:n koulutuksessa yhdistyvät auditoijien asiantuntemus, tietojen analysointi ja LMS-järjestelmän (Learning Management System) käyttömahdollisuus.


Auto- ja ilmailuala koulutus

Laadun ja turvallisuuden varmistaminen toimitusketjun kaikissa osissa on elintärkeää auto- ja ilmailu- ja avaruusteollisuudelle.



Elintarviketeollisuus pyrkii vastaamaan kansainvälisten kuluttajien vaatimuksiin ja avaamaan uusia markkinamahdollisuuksia.


Tietoturvan ja IT-palvelunhallinnan koulutus

Tieto on jokaiselle yritykselle elintärkeä voimavara, mutta siihen liittyy myös erityisvelvoitteita.


Laadun ja suorituskyvyn koulutus

Tehokas laadunhallintajärjestelmä voi parantaa yrityksesi laatuprosesseja sekä yleistä suorituskykyä ja menestystä.


Riskienhallinta- ja liiketoiminnan jatkuvuuskoulutus

Riskienhallinnan tarkoituksena ei ole poistaa riskiä, vaan ymmärtää se niin, että voit hyödyntää myönteisiä vaikutuksia ja minimoida kielteiset vaikutukset.


Sosiaalisen vastuun koulutus

Ihmisoikeuksien turvaamiseen ja eettisesti vastuulliseen toimintaan sitoutumisen varmistaminen on olennaisen tärkeää eettisten käytäntöjen juurruttamiseksi ja kestävän yrityskulttuurin edistämiseksi.